









歌名:insatiable 至死不渝

when moonlight crawls along the street 月光洒满街头

chasing away the summer heat 带来盛夏的凉意

footsteps outside somewhere below 外面某处有脚步临近

the world revolves i let it go 带来了尘世喧嚣,我从不在意

we build our church above this street 在街上构筑属于我们的教堂

we practice love between these sheets 我们在床第间实践彼此的爱恋

the candy sweetness scent of you 在你散发出醉人的气息中

it bathes my skin i'm stained byyou 侵肌蚀骨地让我沉沦

and all i have to do is hold you 而我拥抱着你欲罢不能

there's a racing in my heart 我心跳如雷鼓

i am barely touching you 我与你近在咫尺

the moonlight plays upon your skin 月光洒在你的肌肤上

a kiss that lingers takes me in 一个吻令我意醉神迷

i fall asleep inside of you 我在你怀里坠入梦境

there are no words 没有言语

there's only truth 只有真情实意

breathe in breathe out 无声的喘息

there is no sound 我们颠鸾倒凤

turn the lights down low 把光线调低

take it off 褪下内衣

let me show 让我告诉你

my love for you 我对你的爱

Insatiable 至死不渝

turn me on 把我开启

never stop 不要停


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