
  I get up, and nothin' gets me down
  You got it tough, I've seen the toughest around
  And I know, baby, just how you feel
  You got to roll with the punches and get to what's real
  Ah, can't ya see me standin' here
  I got my back against the record machine
  I ain't the worst that you've seen
  Ah, can't ya see what I mean?
  Ah, might as well jump. Jump!
  Might as well jump
  Go ahead an' jump. Jump!
  Go ahead and jump
  Ow-oh! Hey, you! Who said that? Baby, how you been?
  You say you don't know, you won't know until you begin
  So can't ya see me standing here
  I got my back against the record machine
  I ain't the worst that you've seen
  Ah, can't ya see what I mean?
  Ah, might as well jump. Jump!
  Go ahead and jump
  Might as well jump. Jump!
  Go ahead and jump
  (Guitar Solo)
  Might as well jump. Jump!
  Go ahead and jump
  Get it in, jump. Jump!
  Go ahead and jump
  Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
  Eric Clapton也是一脸的欣赏,道:“没错!艾迪?范?海伦能在2012年评为有史以来最伟大的吉他手,是他一直努力的结果!虽然取得了巨大的成就,但是依然孜孜不倦地追求着创新着,技术就是这样不进则退!”
  Eric Clapton非常欣赏王博这种积极进取的精神,鼓励道:“嗯!年轻人就是要有敢打敢拼的精神,前辈就会用来超越的,未来是你们的!”
  就在王博两人讨论的时候,艾迪?范?海伦在观众的呐喊声中,高声道:“接下来登台的是影响我最大的吉他演奏家―Eric Clapton,你们的热情在哪里?”
  Eric Clapton背着红色的芬达吉他出现舞台上,与范.海伦乐队一一拥抱,然后语气忧伤地道:“一首我最满意的歌曲《Tears in He**en》送给我挚爱的儿子康纳,希望大家注意看管自己的孩子、家人,避免悲剧的发生!”Eric Clapton说完,伤感的前奏响起,沙哑的嗓音更为歌曲增添了丝丝的哀伤,
  Would you know my name if I saw you in he**en?如果我在天堂和你见面,你还会记得我的名字吗?
  would it be the same if I saw you in he**en?如果我在天堂与你重逢,我们还能像从前一样吗?
  I must be strong, and carry on我必须学会坚强,勇敢支持下去
  'Cause I know I don't belong here in he**en因为我知道我还不属于天堂
  Would you hold my hand if I saw you in he**en?如果我在天堂和你相遇,你愿意握住我的手吗?
  Would you help me stand if I saw you in he**en?如果我在天堂与你再见,你愿意搀扶我起来吗?
  I'll find my way, through night and day再给我一些日子,我会找到我的方向
  'Cause I know I just can't stay here in he**en因为我知道我还不属于天堂
  Time can bring you down; time can bend your knee时间能让你倒下,时间能让你屈膝
  Time can break your heart., h**e you begging please, begging please
  时间能伤了你的心 你只要祈祷 , 请你衷心地祈祷
  Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure.在那扇门后,我相信是块和平的乐土
  And I know they'll be no more tears in he**en于是我知道,我将不再泪洒天堂!
  Would you know my name 你还记得我的名字吗
  If I saw you in he**en 如果我在天堂遇见你
  Would it be the same 你我还能像从前一样吗
  If I saw you in he**en 如果我在天堂遇见你
  I must be strong and carry on 我必须坚强、坚持下去
  Cause I know I don't belong here in he**en 因为我知道我并不属于天堂
  Would you hold my hand 你会握我的手吗
  If I saw you in he**en 如果我在天堂遇见你
  Would you help me stand 你会扶我一把吗
  If I saw you in he**en 如果我在天堂遇见你
  I'll find my way through night and day 我会找到度日的方式
  Cause I know I just can't stay here in he**en 因为我知道我不能留在天堂
  Time can bring you down 时间使人消沉


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