
chest 箱
casket 小箱
box 盒子
cask 桶
keg 小桶
wooden cask 木桶
barrel 琵琶桶
drum 圆桶
iron drum 铁桶
to be packed in bag 用袋装
to be packed in paper bag 用纸袋装
gunny bag 麻袋
plastic bag 塑料袋
foam plastic bag 泡沫塑料袋
balse 包件
canvas 帆布
bundle 捆,束
can/tin 罐装,听装
coil 捆,盘装
glass jar 玻璃瓶装
container 集装箱
pallet 托盘
breakage-proof 防破损
shakeproof 防震
leakage-proof 防漏
water-proof 防水
sound-proof 隔音
metal strap 铁箍
kraft paper 牛皮纸
flexible container 集装包
parcel 小包,一批货
packed cargo 包装货
parcel post 包裹邮寄
packet (pkt.) 包裹,封套,袋
single packing 单件包装
collective packing 组合包装
outer packing 大包装,外包装
inner packing 内包装,小包装
substantial 坚固的
ocean transportation 远洋运输
smaller container 小容器
polythene 聚乙烯
the canned goods 罐装货
satin-covered 缎包装的
silk ribbon 绸带
On the outer packing, please mark wording, "Handle with Care".
Every 100 dozen should be packed in a wooden case marked TM and numbered from No. 1 upward.
Please mark the cases(boxes,bags,casks,etc)as per the drawing given.
Please cable packing and marks.
We will mark the packages the same as before.
Words and Phrases
mark 唛头
Indicative Mark 指示性标志
Warning Mark 警告性标志
upward 向上,由下往上
This Side Up 此端向上
Handle With Care 小心轻放
Keep Upright 勿倒置
Use No Hooks 请勿倒挂
Not to be tripped 勿倾倒
Keep in a dry place 在干燥处保管
Keep in a cool place 在冷处保管


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